Note: In this weekly prediction, the zodiacs are defined as per lunar sign which is calculated based on time, place and date of birth of the native.
During this week the sun and Mars and Mercury will transit in Virgo. On 21st September 2021, Mercury will enter Libra late night, ketu in Scorpio. Jupiter(R) and Saturn(R) in Capricorn Rahu in Taurus and the moon will Transit from Aquarius to Aries.
The transit of these planets will affect the different zodiac as given below
Aries: this is a good week for you will get good health, good earning, support from Seniors progress in career some family problems will disturb you, health of the child and spouse will suffer. So take care. The 20th and 21st of September is not good.
Taurus: it is not a good week for you ill-health, shortage of funds, family problems, child and spouse will suffer. Creditors Will harass you, no mental peace, so please take care. Last 3 days of the week are troublesome.
Gemini: Not a good week for you. You will get anxiety due to career, no earning, no saving, lack of funds, too much thinking will affect your digestion, minor health problems are also indicated. Please take care. The 19th and 20th are not protected.
Cancer: It is a good week for you. good health, good earning blocked money will be retrieved , progress in career or new job offer, new contacts will be helpful short trips to be fruitful. Enjoy the week fully 23rd 24th and 25th of September is much better
Leo: It is not a good week for you. You'll get Agony and anxiety due to family reunions. Short of funds, earnings will go down. Expense will increase not support from members of family keep patience 19th and 20th of September is protected
Virgo: It is a good week for you. Good health, good earning. Progress in career. Happy celebration in family new contacts will support you Gaining money from an unexpected source. Enjoy the week 23rd 24th and 25th is not much better
Libra: It is a good week for you. good health and good earning. New contract will be helpful, short trips will be fruitful but family peace is not good. Get anxiety due to spouse and child. Keep patience. The 24th and 25th of September are not very good.
Scorpio: it is a good week for you. You will get your long-awaited desire to be fulfilled. Good health, good earning, new contacts will be helpful support from Seniors happy celebrations in family. The 23rd, 24th and 25th of September are much better.
Sagittarius: it is a good week for you. You will get good opportunities for a new job, good income, good health, happy ceremony in family, new contacts will be helpful support from Seniors. Short trips will be fruitful and enjoy the week 19th and 20th of September is much better.
Capricorn: It is not a good week for you. a heavy workload will affect your health . Heated discussion with seniors. Too much thinking is not good for you money will be sound, avoid to heated discussion did you guys know about 21st and 22nd September are not good
Aquarius: It is a very bad week for you. This week you should try to keep your mouth shut and keep patience. Otherwise you will be in major trouble and criminal proceedings may start. Sleepless nights and bad dreams will affect your health so please take care. The 19th and 20th of September are protected.
Pisces: it is a good week for you, good health, good earning. Progressive careers or new job offers. Your work will be appreciated by the Authority. Social status will increase. Enjoy the week. 21st and 22nd September is much better
Note: This is a generic prediction. It may vary with different horoscopes of natives irrespective of any Zodiac.
God Bless All